2022 Joint Quilt Show

“Art Feeds the Soul” is the name of our first joint quilt show, which we are co-hosting with another local guild in Alamance County. A special webpage tells all about the event, which will be open to the public for four days, March 9-12, 2022. The show venue is the fellowship hall of a church in downtown Elon, NC.

The quilt show will be the last public opportunity for us to sell raffle tickets for the latest beautiful quilt made by our guild before the drawing on April 7. Find out more about our 2020/2021 raffle quilt “Timeless Tradition.”
Admission is FREE for the quilt show.  

To go along with the “nourishment” theme of “Art Feeds the Soul,” we are asking for guests to bring a donation of a non-perishable food item for our local food pantry (administered by the Salvation Army of Alamance County). There will also be an online quilt auction, where all proceeds will go to the food pantry. The auction quilt was made by members of our fellow guild, Alamance Piecemakers. (Link to bid on the “Christmas Stars” quilt is on the quilt show’s special webpage linked above.)

We are excited to share that we anticipate seeing a blurb in the March issue of “Our State Magazine” to promote this event! (If you receive the March issue in your mailbox before we update this page, flip to the Table of Contents page and scan down to find the article “To Do List.”)

Over 100 beautiful quilts will surely “feed your soul” (and who doesn’t need that these days?). Don’t miss the quilt show!